Directly Helping Minority Communities
When a company does business with Lakefront they are not only receiving great service for their asset based financing but they are supporting the growth of minority, small business, women owned, veteran owned enterprises and communities.
Lakefront has done, and will continue educational, social, and economic groups to promote the support of the American Recovery from the small, medium, minority, women owned, and veteran owned companies. It is important to know 50% of Americas GDP comes from SMC (small, medium, companies) and it is estimated that 67% of the job growth will be from the SMC in the future.
Lakefront Capital Awarded the top 100 Diversity Businesses
Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council Certification
Connect 313 Detroit
CONNECT 313 is a city-wide, data-driven digital inclusion strategy that brings countless organizations together with the bold goal to make Detroit a national model for digital inclusion and ensure all Detroiters can access the digital world and the opportunity it brings.

human IT
human-I-T believes that through social entrepreneurship, opportunities are created for our world to become more inclusive, sustainable, and bold.
They inspire and empower people through technology and information to achieve their full potential.

Detroit Community Care Network
Detroit Community Care Network, a faith-based model of care serves those in need with compassion, respect, confidentiality by providing necessary resources to support the transformation of lives and help maps pathways to success.
Together, in partnership with United Way 211, St. John Providence Health System, Tri-Unity Community Development Corporation, Melagro Technology

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